See Paul Burkey's Net web page for more info on Internet game  
connections. It's a complex subject that requires some research to understand all the 
problems faced.
   Also see the file included in this archive `Lag problems in Net games',
it is a discussion from the Blitz-List on the problems caused by lags 
in multiplayer games, and a couple of solutions to those problems.  
   This section currently under construction :-/

   Basic TCP/IP Theory  
   Multi-Player Connections  
   Object Control  
   Security/Prevention from Cheating  
   Advanced Stuff   

   I will be adding in a lot more here, from simple Internet theory, to 
multiplayer theory (Client-Server, and Peer-To-Peer connections), through to
advanced stuff, like protection from cheating/hacking, player prediction
to smooth out gameplay etc.

Converted with g2h, © 24.06.1998 N. DARNIS